Sixty-four old male from Oman was admitted to Wockhardt Hospitals, South Mumbai, India for pain in the nape of the neck radiating to the shoulders for the past two months. He had also developed facial paralysis.
The pain increased in severity and would cause him to wake up in the night. It started hampering his daily activities. Later patient started experiencing changes in his speech, difficulty in pronouncing simple words, and was not able to swallow food properly, causing saliva to dribble. Relatives were concerned about his condition as it was worsening. They consulted doctors in Oman as well. 8 months back, he had also developed a bilateral ear infection and was given treatment by an ENT doctor in Oman. He was also a known case of diabetes and hypertension for the past 20 years.
Oman doctors recommended him to Wockhardt Hospitals, South Mumbai in India for its medical excellence and expertise. In Oman, Wockhardt Hospitals is known for its quality of patient care received by international patients in India.
Dr. Mazda Turel a reputed neurosurgeon examined the patient and advised an MRI. The investigation revealed that the base of the skull was infected. The patient was diagnosed with osteomyelitis of the skull bone. According to Dr. Mazda Turel this was the cause of his pain in the neck and facial paralysis.
The patient underwent a Trans-nasal endoscopic biopsy of the nasopharyngeal lesion. The infected area was cleaned and derbied. Further course of action was managed by infection disease specialist Dr. Kedar Torsekar who prescribed an antibiotic treatment regimen to curtail the infection. Patients’ condition started improving. His fever and pain reduced and the signs of paralysis were diminishing. To aid recovery, the patient was given speech therapy and physiotherapy.
The patient made a good recovery and was able to speak again and showed no signs of pain. Complications were averted with quick diagnosis by neurosurgeon Dr. Mazda Turel and the clinical experience, highlighting that Wockhardt Hospitals, as being one of the best group of hospitals in super-specialty care in India.